One of the reasons I started this blog was to get some info out to other newbies. Info that's hard to find, info that might save you some $$$ (or help you budget a little better). Here is one the biggest budget blow-outs we've found so far:
One of the many conditions of our development application states "a Section 73 compliance certificate under the Sydney Water Act 1994 must be obtained". It also states that we must go through a Water Servicing Coordinator (WSC) and that the Section 73 is required prior to release of the plan of subdivision.
In a nut shell, we contact a WSC (listed on Sydney Water's website) and ask them to act on our behalf in liaising with Sydney Water - you cannot do this yourself for some unknown reason.
The WSC tells Sydney Water that we want to subdivide and Sydney water tells the WSC what we have to do to make this happen in relation to water / sewerage connections (called a Notice of Requirements).
Sydney Water application fee = $368
WSC to lodge the Section 73 to Sydney Water = $495
Am starting to feel a little ripped-off already!
The Notice of Requirements states that we need to have our building plans checked by a Quick Check agent and we need to get another water meter connection for the new property.
Quick Check of building plans = $26
Water meter connection consists of:
Digging and locating water main in nature strip in front of property (including backfilling and materials) = $750
Let me just say now, this is a massive 2m deep pit around an enormous pipe - it's a huge job!
Water drilling fee (by an Sydney Water accredited driller) = $770
Now that the Notice of Requirement items have been completed, the WSC inspects the water meter connection (basically, they drive out and check that it's actually there)= $660
WSC let Sydney Water know that we have completed all of the Notice of Requirements and ask for the Section 73 compliance certificate = $330
And what do we have after all of this, you ask?
Check out our brand-new shiny-looking (well, it's been a little spattered with concrete) water meter!!!! Totally worth the $3400!
Honestly, we're thanking our lucky stars we didn't have to dig into the road...or across the road to connect with the water main (I shudder to think how much that would cost). We're lucky we have such a good plumber and we're lucky we made it within the Notice of Requirements time frame (or it's application fees all over again).
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